Many people are struggling with receding gums, a condition which is painful and can also lead to complications such as pockets or grasps, situated between the teeth and gum line. Because of that you are faced with the risk of harmful bacteria building up in those areas. According to WebMD, this could have negative consequences on the supporting tissue and bone structure of your teeth, eventually leading to teeth loss.
But what determines gums to recede?
A research published in the Journal of Periodontology Online unveiled one surprising cause for this medical condition: your cleaning routine. It has been found that if you clean your teeth too zealously you might harm them during the process. Genetics also play a major role in causing it. According to WebMD, approximately 30% of people are at risk of developing this medical condition, no matter their cleaning strategy. Furthermore, smoking also increases the chances for this medical condition to emerge. According to Simple Steps Dental, smoking represents one of the main factors which contribute to various gum issues, among them being receding gums.
But what can be done about receding gums?
Natural remedies are quite useful as a treatment, especially if the problem is discovered before getting so serious that surgery becomes the only option. It’s not recommended to get to that point since surgery can be quite expensive because of the gum tissue grafts and other medical procedures.
Among the symptoms associated with receding gums we could mention: bleeding after brushing or flossing, bad breath, pain at the gum line and swollen gums. If you just started noticing these symptoms it means that you still have some time to try out some of the natural remedies we are proposing.
Green tea has been proved to be helpful in treating this medical condition, according to a Japanese research which was published by the American Dental Association. The study participants consumed green tea every day. Three indicators of periodontal disease eventually experienced a decrease during the study. We already knew that green tea is extremely useful in treating many medical conditions, so this just comes to confirm its status of one of the most magical plants.
Another incredible natural remedy is aloe vera. According to a study, published in the Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology, aloe vera is a “soothing healer to periodontal disease.” This study was conducted on 15 subjects, revealing that by administrating aloe vera orally you can reduce a variety of gum diseases. There are various options for this: from toothpaste to mouthwash, which contain aloe vera in different amounts.
The third natural remedy that we will like to mention is eucalyptus, an anti-inflammatory substance that is quite effective in treating gum diseases, probably because of its germ-fighting abilities: it kills the bacteria found in your mouth when gum recession occurs. recommends combining the two ingredients in order to obtain a mouthwash, great for battling gum recession:
- 2 teaspoons of eucalyptus oil
- 1 cup of warm water
Vitamin C is also among the amazing remedies you can use to help your gums get healthy again, according to the following sources:;
Other recommended things that you can do to reduce the severity of gum disease and increase your general oral health:
- Maintaining a regular oral health practice
- Using mouthwash regularly
- Flossing daily
- Brushing gently in a circular motion
via DavidWolfe