Man Sentenced To 6 Months In Prison For Installing A Wind Turbine In His Own Property
A man from the city of Orono, Minnesota, was sentenced to six months in jail for refusing to completely remove a wind turbine that he had installed on his property…

Woman Arrested On Own Property After Her Land Was Stolen By DAPL
Cyndy Coppola was arrested for standing on her own property as she tried to block Dakota Access Pipeline construction equipment from crossing her land. Once again, the repression of those…

Local gardener grows organic food for hungry, people with cancer
HUNTSVILLE, Ala. (WHNT) – Cathy Wissel doesn’t focus on seasons for growing her garden. She know the fruits she bears are feeding the hungry, and that need isn’t specific to…

Top 10 Medicinal Plants You Can Grow Yourself
Plants have been used for thousands of years for medicinal purposes. Most medicine is derived from plants before they are laced with synthetic chemicals by pharmaceutical companies. You can…

How To Install A Homestead Solar Electric System
If you’re looking for a way to disconnect yourself from the power grid and want to live a sustainable life, you should consider installing solar panels. These panels are great,…