Looking for a very stable design which does not only come cheap from the start but also makes you save money in the long run. Due to its shape and materials used, the earthbag house has less area than your normal home, so it’s cheaper to keep it supplied with energy. Don’t be scared if you never built circular structures before, because the example shown here used a technique called the compass arm which you can easily learn. Recycled or salvaged materials were used wherever it was possible, like in the door or on the floor. The tutorial has photos showcasing almost each step of the building process so if you decide to replicate the project, use it to help and guide you along the way. At the end you will have the comfort of 450 ft² with less than $5,000 spent overall.
Starting on the rubble trench foundation. Railroad ballast was used for the rubble.
Covering over our sediment fabric with pea gravel.
Two rows of stem wall – 80 lb sack concrete. 2 strands of barbed wire go between every row. The thing in the middle is our building compass, made from chain link parts, used to keep the walls round and level.
The little window near the camera will also be a cold storage in the winter. Note our first lintel over window in back. This keeps the wall stable over an “open” area such as a door or window.
Our house was looking rather like a cupcake. The loft in all of it’s glory with queen sized futon on top and office underneath .
Earthbag Building: The Tools, Tricks and Techniques (Natural Building Series) Paperback